Programs for Startups

We offer intensive 3 and 5 day programs for founders through partnerships with Silicon Valley venture firms, incubators, accelerators and universities. Here are some of the programs we offer:

  • 5-day Design Sprint – Originally developed by Google Ventures, the sprint is a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers.
  • 3-day Pitch Slam – Perfected by The Venture Mentoring Team, the pitch slam prepares founders for fundraising with rigorous pitch development, practice and feedback from actual investors.
  • 5-day Lean Startup – Based on the principles of customer discovery by Steve Blank, and further developed by Eric Ries, this intensive week prepares founders for rapid customer discovery and development.
  • 3-day Go-to-market – Intensive education and overview of go-to-market strategies and development of a plan for seed and pre-seed startups.
  • 3-day CEO Dashboard – Learn which metrics are important, how to gather data and put together a dashboard to monitor the health, growth and challenges of your startup.
  • 5-day Proof-of-concept – Learn the steps necessary to develop a proof-of-concept that can be used in customer discovery and development, and build an MVP in 5 days.